Optimize Color Accuracy with RGB & CMYK Profiles

CORAYE's RGB & CMYK Profiler module offers a complete and affordable solution for creating accurate ICC profiles in RGB or CMYK mode. Whether you use an XRite, EFI, Konica Minolta or Barbieri spectrophotometer, this user-friendly software meets all your printer characterization needs, guaranteeing optimum print quality.

Logo du module de profile RGB CMJN CORAYE
Logo du module de profile RGB CMJN CORAYE

Use standard sights or customize them!

Some of the most widely used standards TC9.18, TC2.83, RGB_738, RGB_1510, ...

  • Sheet size

  • Patch size

  • Margins

  • Number of primary patches

  • Number of gray patches

  • Choice of custom patches

  • ...

Strict & malleable

Improve the accuracy of your readings!

Enable multiple measurements to check the consistency of the reading, and average the readings of several test patterns for greater accuracy.


Use your spectrophotometer

Like all our capture modules, you're not limited to one brand of spectrophotometer! Coraye allows the use of many different makes and models: i1 pro 1, i1 pro 2, i1 pro 3, Barbieri, MyIro, Konica Minolta CM 26, ...



Meeting the needs of professionals

Print, photo and design professionals are faced with the challenge of accurate color reproduction. Our tools meet these needs by enabling precise color measurement, communication and reproduction.

Thanks to the use of spectrophotometers, our modules have become indispensable reference tools for controlling illuminants, calibrating printing systems and monitoring the quality of print production.

Integration with other CORAYE modules

  • View the gamut aspect of your profile and compare it with samples with Gamut Viewer.

    Create detailed PDF color reports that you can reproduce with Color Table.


Need to go futher?

Recalculate your profile

Adjust the calculation parameters to iterate and find the best combination for your needs.

Adjust inking curves

Rerun the calculation as many times as necessary to find the best inking rates for your media.

Save the format of your customized test patterns

Create a test pattern template to match the media and spectrophotometer you're using.

Export/Import your customized ranges

Use color tables to import large collections of colors you wish to include in your test pattern. Likewise, export your customized test patterns for reading on other tools.

Go futher

Optimize your prints with RGB & CMYK Profiles

Characterize your printers' media, guaranteeing high-quality prints!